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December 2, 2013 1:22 pm

Spotlight on Cameron’s China delegation

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David Cameron has taken a business delegation of 127 executives with him to China, most of whom will have very little contact with the prime minister or his Chinese counterparts during the three-day trip.

The business mission, the largest taken from the UK to China, is split into blue-chip chief executives, many of whom are there to sign deals, and smaller companies, many of whom are in the media or technology companies.

One ally of the prime minister said the make-up of the delegation had changed late on as Number 10 decided to promote newer companies and start-ups as well as their more established rivals.

But the choices have brought controversy. Among those attending are Lord Astor, the prime minister’s father-in-law, Lord Chadlington, the lobbyist who is close to the Camerons, and Lord Leigh, the former Tory treasurer.

Some choices also look hastily cobbled together. One executive admitted they did not know why they had been asked, as their company did very little business in China.

Companies will spend much of the visit holed up in hotel conference suites discussing sector issues and making the most of scheduled “networking breaks”.

But others have crucial business to do. Sir Andrew Witty, the chief executive of GlaxoSmithKline, is likely to lobby on behalf of his company, which has been accused of bribing Chinese doctors to buy its medicines.

Browse the full list of the UK industry representatives on prime minister David Cameron’s trade delegation to China .

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