Origami Image Service

Optimise and resize images easily

Migration Guide

There are some breaking changes in the API between v1 and v2 of the Image Service. We'll outline all of these below.

Making the switch should be as simple as performing a replacement on all of the URLs in your application. Image Service v2 has moved to ft.com, the URLs below illustrate the change that needs to be made:

Image modes

The image modes data and data-utfhack have been removed from the service. The debug mode has been added.


The ability to produce an image from multiple sources (spriting) has been removed from the service. This means that the following endpoints are no longer supported:

Image Limits

In V2, some limits have been added to both transformed images and source images:

Transformed images must not exceed 25 MegaPixels (26,214,400 pixels)
Transformed images must not exceed 65,000 pixels in either width or height
File size
Source images must not exceed 20MB in size



The scheme query parameter is no longer supported, as multiple images cannot be requested at once. The scheme should form part of the image URI.


The imageset query parameter is no longer supported, as multiple images cannot be requested at once.


The tint query parameter has changed, with results differing from v1. These changes are minor, and tint colours will differ slightly between v1 and v2 URLs. SVG images can still be tinted, and they no longer require a colour to be specified twice.


The compression query parameter is no longer supported, use quality alone to manipulate the level of compression that is applied to the image.


The format query parameter can now be set to gif, and all GIF images (including animated ones) can be resized and cropped.

If the format query parameter is set to auto, it will now use Cloudinary's automatic format detection. This includes serving WebP or JPEG-XR images for browsers which support them.


The images/metadata endpoint now doesn't include a cache property.