Ninety One
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Ninety One
This content was paid for by Ninety One and produced in partnership with the Financial Times Commercial department.

How can pension funds enable real world decarbonisation?

Many asset owners are concerned that merely divesting from high emission investments will not lead to the rapid changes required in the real economy. To address this, they can turn to transition finance, investment that directly enables the investee’s climate change strategy. Transition finance can help asset owners to use their funds and influence to drive the world towards the Paris Agreement targets.

Brunel Pension Partnership is one asset owner with a growing interest in transition finance. In this audio interview Brunel’s chief responsible investment officer, Faith Ward, and portfolio manager, Daniel Spencer, join FT Longitude senior editor, Stephen Edwards, to discuss how asset owners can enable vital transitions while remaining true to their fiduciary duties.

Find out what transition finance means for asset owners and its role in the path to net zero

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